
Going tri-colours!!


Tri-colour feathers are just gorgeous and this is our new headdress ready for kids and adults to enjoy!!   Send us your designs and let us create something colourful for you!!!


Change is so Exciting!!


We are in the midst of moving bigger and better with our little online shop.... So excited!!! Keep a look out.... It's on it's way!!!


Love In The El Parque!!


We recently took part in the fundraiser held at El Parque organised alongside Bali With Kids, raising money for a young 7 yr old boy Kadek who needs specialist treatment. All a great success also with Kadek loving the headdress Paradise Gypsies gave him as a present. Lots of fun was had by all. Here are some of our customers enjoying our Paradise Gypsies style in the sunshine!!


Flying High in Tie Dye


As a great believer in supporting new designers not only have a go at creating their first collections, to understand the processes involved and to offer their ideas for the Wold to see....the results of being a little braver can have outstanding and sucessful results.

This week, our total admiration goes to c h a r – l o t t e for b o h è m e. Seeing a new life take off for a girl with a dream is always inspirational and should give courage to others. Fabrics and threads can indeed create wonders, especially in this case when you add a glorious splash of colour that dazzles under the glorious white isle sunshine of Ibiza!!

Since our last post celebrating the launch of Charlotte's label, a flourish of support and followers are enjoying raving reviews within Europe including White Ibiza's new write up..... celebrating her latest photoshoot.

Live The Bohème Dream Charlotte...Live The Dream!! Xx We LOVE This
See Charlotte's full website: www.char-lotte.eu
View Charlotte's blog: ibizasuperstylin

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