
Apache Warriors - A jammy bit of work!!! ; )


Our second gorgeous collaboration recently has been with a photographer in Sheffield, UK.  A newly updated blog shows off her work for family photography with style so take a look at Jam Photography!!

Amongst the trees of the English countryside, two boys enjoyed an imaginative playtime with feathers, homemade bows with plenty of tree climbing......Thank you to the talented Julie Ann Mosley for these wonderful photographs with our headdresses!!!!  Follow her adventures through the lens via her facebook page with our headdresses currently showcased within their new header!!


Amy Ortiz

Feathers Of Wonder - Saje Photography


Sometimes, when your busy creating, out of the blue comes a lovely email asking to collaborate.  Recently Amy Ortiz and I got our inspiration heads together with Paradise Gypsies providing a headdress and Amy bringing fabulous creativity through her photography and vision to create all round fabulous images.....huge thank you for your hard work Amy, what a pleasure it is to share your images here.... xxx   www.sajephotography.com


Spooks & Sales


So moving into our new studio has been great and we are finally settling in!!  Its great news as we have many designs planned that will be super unusual and gorgeous so we now have the space to go headdress crazy and create some stunners, bigger and better than we could before!!

As we get ready for Halloween and as we are busy creating some spooky numbers for people to wear for the holiday, up new in our Etsy shop are some all black feather freakyness as well as our latest design for a feather MOHAWK!!!

Some of our latest custom made pieces have been stunners too so thank you to our wonderful customers for their inspirational projects.

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