
Paradise Gypsies Womenswear Lookbook


So as we head into the summer season in Europe, we officially launch our Womenswear Collection of goodies!!!  We have loved designing a kaftan to wear at the beach which then went onto become also a  shorter version that was more wearable for about town and evenings.  We also love our kimono jacket that is a fantastic piece to carry in your bag to cover shoulders from the sun when needed and to add some glamour to a little black dress in the evening!!  All gorgeous pieces so you can travel light and look fabulous??  We think so!!!!

Pink Bag & Shoes Paradise Gypsies & Kimiko Red Collaboration.  Available To Order By Email.


Dressing up the kids....Gypsy style!!!


A little inspiration from an original top from India, a very Gypsy girl !!  and a few bright scarves....and its amazing what you can create!!  Not forgetting a pen for drawing on some henna and of course a headdress from us.....smiles all round we say!!!!!!  Yey!!!!

If you are interested in making your own outfits for dressing up kids or adults and would like support or supplies, please contact us....we will be happy to help!!


Dream with dreamcatchers....


As we add a new product to our little online shop, we find out what is the story behind the 'dreamcatcher'...

According to WIkipedia...In Native American culture, a dreamcatcher is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web. The dreamcatcher is then decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads.
Traditionally, the Ojibwa construct dreamcatchers by tying sinew strands in a web around a small round or tear-shaped frame of willow.  The resulting "dream-catcher", hung above the bed, is used as a charm to protect sleeping children from nightmares. As dreamcatchers are made of willow and sinew, they are not meant to last forever but are intended to dry out and collapse as the child enters the age of wonderment.
The Ojibwa believe that a dreamcatcher changes a person's dreams. According to Konrad J. Kaweczynski, "Only good dreams would be allowed to filter through… Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day." Good dreams would pass through and slide down the feathers to the sleeper.
Another version from the same article was, "Nightmares pass through the holes and out of the window. The good dreams are trapped in the web, and then slide down the feathers to the sleeping person."


Inspired by....Ivan Belaustegui & Hijos del Sol


"It all started, as many things do, with a dream."  When we started to read the words from Ivan Belaustegui about his tribute to the people that inhabit the Sacred Valley of Cuzro, Peru...we knew we were sold with his opening line.  Ivan is the real deal !!  Take a look at his website HIJOS DEL SOL for some of the most wonderful photographs of the people and their land that few of us will ever be lucky enough to see.
            Original photography by Ivan Belaustegui - www.hijos-del-sol.com

Paradise Gypsies wishes Ivan all the best for his future travels and photography and we look forward to far more wonders he may show us through his camera lens.  Its only a lesson in how lucky we are to be able to travel in todays world and share as we do like this to help, support & inspire each others dreams.

Live The Dream.


Loving our kids clothes and headdresses!!


We are really enjoying meeting our customers as we travel and have had great feedback on our new little online shop!!   If you haven't had a look yet...please do!! These are some of our tee's with our Gypsy Freedom Bird print, inspired by a wall mural created by kids at a school in Bali, Indonesia.


Our first write up!!....


As we spread our wings across the Globe, our first write up features upon the delightful and informative Bali For Kids website as part of their May 2012 Newsletter!!  Terima Kasih Ni Lah!  We are so thrilled!!..Take a look.....

PARADISE GYPSIES is one of the latest kids brands in town. Limited edition kids clothing with a cool kick designed by a prof in the design business. With a long time of design experience Paradise Gypsies is made for kids who want something else than the regular, created outside the lines for kids outside the lines. Great accessories with the coolest Tees for kids combined with quality and style.
Read more....

Its so great to see our ideas on show on the bali for kids clothing page...baliforkids.com/clothing

To celebrate, we are now offering FREE SHIPPING to our Indonesian customers!!!


A Moveable Gypsy Abode!!


On my hunt for a fabulous Gypsy-esque abode, one of my main worries is what if I want to move?  How on earth can I chose one place, even one country to live??!!!  With this in mind, it is no wonder I am delighted to find one of the best solutions....a moveable house from Indonesia!!!  Found amongst my wanderings across Southeast Asia,  these hand built structures from wood and teak can be disassembled, moved or shipped as desired and rebuilt upon the land within the country of your choice!!!  Marvellous......note to self being - remember to include the local craftsman to come too to rebuild or strike off a couple of years of my life trying to put the thing together myself!!   We LOVE these!!!

Below are a couple that I have stayed in that were not moveable but still stunning so I thought also include them for inspiration for a build of this kind...

...with this last shot being a favourite of mine behind the scenes from the mens lookbook shoot...reminding me wherever I chose to live, it will always be better with a good view!!!


Lookbook Mens 2012 Paradise Gypsies


I recently teamed up with the stylist Charlotte of www.char-lotte.eu for the creating of the Paradise Gypsies Menswear range lookbook photoshoot 2012.   Along with our gloriously gypsy-esque model Guillermo, we made our way to the beach with bags, headdresses, sarongs and even a hand carved animal skull on the back of motorbikes in the search of inspiration and creating something cool and original.  Here is a little of what we got upto!!.....


Inspired by....


When work offers a lifestyle 'on the road', one generally hotfoots it about town to find a suitable office, which is usually a simply decent wifi connection.  Over the years my experiences like many others, differ greatly for speed of wifi, views, comfortable seating, privacy for skype calling etc but nothing beats a good 'cozy beach' location with good food on offer!!  

Upon finding my new 'office', I have been greatly appreciative of their decorative artwork and thought it was a little something of inspiration to share.  Hope you enjoy!

(Sadly a day after this post, Cozy Beach and other restaurants were pulled down...RIP x)


Ibiza Superstylin: The birth of - b o h è m e


WE LOVE THIS!!  Super talented Charlotte has designed a new range of stunning handmade kaftans ready for the beach and summer parties for Ibiza and beyond.  Inspired by her travels and life in the sun on beautiful islands, Charlotte is a real Paradise Gypsy herself!! Paradise Gypsies adores this beautiful new label and colourful collection.

See her new website at www.char-lotte.eu

Ibiza Superstylin: The birth of - b o h è m e: Live the life you dream & wear the dream you live - b o h è m e is born.

Website: www.char-lotte.eu 


Flamin' Red Hot


Ready for the summer party and music gig season?.....Newest addition to our little Paradise Gypsies online store, a fiery flame red adult size headdress, that will very much let you stand out in a crowd!!!

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